Angular unit test case with Jasmine & Karma

Learn how to write Angular unit test case with Jasmine & Karma

I welcome you all to this amazing course. Hope the learning would add value to your knowledge and you will learn How to write an angular unit tests using Jasmine and Karma

What you’ll learn

Course Content


I welcome you all to this amazing course. Hope the learning would add value to your knowledge and you will learn How to write an angular unit tests using Jasmine and Karma

Wishing you a happy learning. Please do comment and provide feedback on the course.


This course will teach you about:


Angular unit test case using Jasmine and Karma, we will cover every topic which we use to create a angular application


This course is suitable for:

Beginner and experienced angular developers


About project implementation

In this course, we will see each topic with a real-time example and we will see how to implement all concepts in Visual studio code so we are able to understand it very well.

I recommend, please install visual studio code so it will be helpful to implement logic in visual studio and you will learn every concept practically.

It will be very helpful if you have basic knowledge of angular.

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Hope you enjoyed it.

Keep growing.

Have a wonderful life ahead!!!!!