Godot 4 – Create 3D RTS style game

Learn how to create a 3D RTS style game using the Godot 4 game engine

What you’ll learn

  • How to create a 3D RTS style game.
  • OOP in Godot.
  • How to create a building system.
  • How to create a mini-map and fog of war.
  • How to use the new navigation server.
  • New features in Godot 4.

Course Content

  • World Environment And Camera –> 3 lectures • 15min.
  • Creating A Unit –> 8 lectures • 1hr 14min.
  • GUI Controller –> 2 lectures • 11min.
  • Creating A Structure –> 2 lectures • 10min.
  • Adding More Units And Structures –> 3 lectures • 25min.
  • Minerals And Spawning Units –> 3 lectures • 26min.
  • Bug fixing and improving –> 3 lectures • 6min.
  • Health Bar –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • Building And Resource gathering –> 2 lectures • 37min.
  • Unit Separation And Combat –> 3 lectures • 17min.
  • Mini-Map And Fog Of War –> 2 lectures • 31min.

Godot 4 - Create 3D RTS style game




You should have a basic understanding of coding and object oriented programming



In this course, you are going to create an RTS style game.

It’s going to include subjects like unit/group movement, structure building, resource gathering, mini-map and fog of war. At the end of this course, you are going to be able to create your own unique RTS game using Godot 4


Game subjects:

Unit and group movement

Creating a building system

Spawning units

Resource gathering

Combat system

Mini Map

Fog of war


Godot 4 subjects:

The Tween system

New navigation system

Object oriented programming (inheritance, classes)

volumetric fog

callable class

Graphical user interface


Additional information:

You can download the project files in the link, though there is no requirement for that. You can use your own assets

for your game, the projects files are just there for being a placeholder throughout the course and are made by me.

So in case you want to use in any of the models, commercially or not, you can



Who this course is for

game developers with little experience in the Godot game engine

Note: beginners can still take this course, most of the stuff I go through in this course is explained but

you should still be ready to go through the documentation and learn the Godot built in functions work

and learn the basics of programming



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