Google cloud Firebase and Firestore NoSQL DB : Introduction

Google cloud Firebase – Real time and Firestore NoSQL Document DB: The ultimate beginner guide towards NoSql Learning.

The traditional databases – the relational databases have been around almost few decades now. They store structured data and has found usage in many applications including Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning and  Business Intelligence etc. But, in recent time with advent of internet – IOT, social media, digital marketing etc the data is becoming unstructured, dynamic and of high volume, which creates challenges for RDBMS Database. Hence, here comes the NoSQL Database need.

What you’ll learn

  • When to use Relational database and NoSQL DB.
  • Creation and access of Google Cloud platform Fire base: Real time and Firestore NoSQL DB.
  • Creating transactions directly into Google Cloud platform Fire base: Real time and Firestore NoSQL DB.
  • Creating, selection, deleting transactions into Google Cloud platform Fire base: Real time and Firestore NoSQL DB through python.
  • Creating, selection, deleting transactions into Google Cloud platform Fire base: Real time through sample web application (Python web frame work -Flask).

Course Content

  • Course overview –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Overview about Relational Database Management Systems –> 2 lectures • 14min.
  • Overview about NoSQL Database and when to use them? –> 1 lecture • 8min.
  • Google Cloud Platform : No SQL Database –> 2 lectures • 18min.
  • Google Firebase: Real time No sql Database –> 2 lectures • 12min.
  • Google Firebase: Real time NoSql DB – Transactions through Python interpreter –> 4 lectures • 27min.
  • Google Firebase: Real time NoSql DB -Transactions through Python Flask -Web Apps –> 2 lectures • 24min.
  • Google Firestore NoSQL DB – Transactions with Python interpreter commands –> 3 lectures • 35min.
  • Bonus –> 1 lecture • 5min.

Google cloud Firebase and Firestore NoSQL DB : Introduction


The traditional databases – the relational databases have been around almost few decades now. They store structured data and has found usage in many applications including Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning and  Business Intelligence etc. But, in recent time with advent of internet – IOT, social media, digital marketing etc the data is becoming unstructured, dynamic and of high volume, which creates challenges for RDBMS Database. Hence, here comes the NoSQL Database need.

The Not Only SQL or NoSQL database , find usage towards managing data unstructured data  in volume, high velocity  and not of high financial value and yet need to stored towards a quick analysis and decision making towards harnessing better or optimum results.

Google Nosql are known as Firebase Database. It has two variant, one is known as Realtime database and the more recent Firestore Database. Both No Sql are based on Cloud, so no install required in your machine, only python and python libraries installs are required.

This introduction course covers both Real time and Firestore NoSQL database.

This course is designed with beginners in mind and thereby subdivided into number of sections based on the logical flow towards effective learning.

• Overview about Relational database and SQL.

• Suggested easy way to learn about Relational database SQL without any install and pay, that too through a structure approach.

• What is no sql? Comparison between Sql (RDBMS) vs No sql and when to use it?

• Document – Nosql Database and overview about Google’s No sql DB.

• Google Cloud platform Firebase No SQL DB – Real time and Fire store

• Quiz 1

• Use of Python programming language as interface for NoSQL DB.

• Exploring Google cloud Firebase – Real time DB

• Creation and transactions through python (Jupyter notebook).

• Transaction through Web (via Flask web framework).

• Quiz 2

• Exploring Google Cloud Firebase – Fire store – No sql DB

• Performing transactions through Python – Level 2.

• Bonus – Next step.


This Ultimate course for beginners is not only about understanding the document Nosql database but also accessing, storing, retrieving, deleting transactions in  Google’s NoSQL database through live demonstration using python and also through  python web frame such as flask .

Happy learning !!!!

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