Kotlin Coroutines For Android Developer

Master Kotlin Coroutines With Android Studio

In the first section of this course we will learn the fundamentals about threads and coroutines, along with the basics of the Kotlin Coroutines framework. We will learn about scope, context , builder , suspend , job , deferred  and much more.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


In the first section of this course we will learn the fundamentals about threads and coroutines, along with the basics of the Kotlin Coroutines framework. We will learn about scope, context , builder , suspend , job , deferred  and much more.

In the second section we will learn how to implement coroutines in a real-world example of an Android application using Kotlin coroutines with Architecture components . Architecture components provide first-class support for coroutines for logical scopes in your app along with an interoperability layer with LiveData. We will use a  MVVM architecture for our app.