Laravel and Angular REST APIs – create a modern CRUD web app

Learn how to create a web application interracting with Typescript and PHP.

Welcome to this Angular and Laravel class.

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Welcome to this Angular and Laravel class.

During the project we will be creating a web application using Typescript as well as PHP.

Class Overview:
We will be creating a CRUD (create-read-update-delete) web project.

What You Will Learn:
You will learn modern ways of interacting with REST APIs using Angular as well as several Object Oriented Programming design patterns in practice.

On the Angular part you’ll learn how to use: RXJS observables and subjects, tap(), map(), and of() operators, subscriptions, services, dependency injection, sending HTTP requests, importing modules, getting route parameters, proper unsubscribing, using Angular Material components, paginating data.

On the Laravel side we will explore: controllers, models, routes, resources and collections and many others in one modern project.

Why You Should Take This Class: