web application automation using selenium javascript
Selenium is an open-source software suite of browser automation tools for controlling web browsers through programs and performing browser automation. It is functional for all browsers, works on all major OS and its scripts are written in various languages i.e Python, Java, C#, Javascript etc.
What you’ll learn
- Students will learn web app automation using selenium javascript.
- Students will learn how to write tests using mocha.
- Students will be able to automate websites.
- Students will be familiar on how to handle waits, actions , alerts ,popUps, scroll and other actions in selenium.
Course Content
- Introduction –> 4 lectures • 16min.
- Actions –> 3 lectures • 16min.
- Waits –> 2 lectures • 26min.
- Alerts –> 1 lecture • 18min.
- Frames –> 1 lecture • 12min.
- File Upload –> 1 lecture • 3min.
- Window handling –> 2 lectures • 13min.
- Execute script in detail –> 1 lecture • 7min.
- Take Screenshot , take element screenshot , print page –> 1 lecture • 5min.
- Mochawesome reporting , adding logs, screenshots to report after each test –> 1 lecture • 17min.
Selenium is an open-source software suite of browser automation tools for controlling web browsers through programs and performing browser automation. It is functional for all browsers, works on all major OS and its scripts are written in various languages i.e Python, Java, C#, Javascript etc.
Selenium is widely used for automating website testing to ensure that the web application is working as expected. It can be used for automating tasks such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and navigating between pages.
Selenium 4 is the latest version of Selenium, and it includes several new features and improvements over previous versions. Some of the key features of Selenium 4 include:
- W3C WebDriver standard: Selenium 4 implements the W3C WebDriver standard, which makes it easier for developers to write cross-browser tests.
- Improved DevTools: The DevTools protocol has been updated and improved in Selenium 4, making it easier to perform debugging and automation tasks.
- Relative Locators: Selenium 4 introduces a new way to locate elements on a page using relative locators, which makes it easier to locate elements that are related to other elements on the page.
- New WebDriver API: Selenium 4 includes a new WebDriver API that provides a more concise and readable syntax for automating web browsers.
- Improved Grid Support: Selenium 4 includes improved support for the Selenium Grid, making it easier to distribute test cases across multiple machines.
- Multiple Browser Support: Selenium 4 supports a wide range of browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari.
Overall, Selenium 4 represents a major upgrade to the Selenium project, with improved functionality and new features that make it easier to automate web browsers and perform browser testing.
In this course we will discuss all the required things which are needed for us to get started with web app automation , initially we will write selenium tests in plain javascript and execute them using node then slowly we will start using mocha testing framework.
Course Highlights :
it’s pretty straight forward tutorial , we will try to cover all the selenium & latest version i.e 4.0 plus version features , you can expect more content in feature .
Driver management is lot easier with Selenium 4 , we don’t need to rely on webdriver manager anymore .
Explicitly we can open multiple windows, tabs and so on.
Since Selenium 4 uses w3c protocol so no more flaky tests
Actions class improved and couple more improvements.