Windows forms with C# for absolute beginners

Learn the basics of designing the Windows apps by C# from scratch


What you’ll learn

Course Content



Welcome to my Windows form with C# course.

This course is great for you:

After this course you can install the Visual Studio 2019 and start creating your first Windows form application by C#.

After creating your first windows form project I’ll show you how to use the properties window and toolbox window of the visual studio for creating the application.

My intention of this tutorial is showing the absolute beginners a jumping start point to get inside the programming world by C# and Visual Studio and Windows form technology.

This course is project base so I’ll show you my topics from scratch in the sample project.

Finally in the last section I’ll show you how to start a simple project to use all your learning in this course.

So, Why you’re waiting?

Let’s change our future by learning the Windows form and C#.

I’m waiting…