Depression. A new hope.

Groundbreaking strategies and techniques to help you beat depression.

This course aims to provide you with groundbreaking tools, strategies and ideas to combat your depression. You’ll be guided through 20 powerful, practical and life saving techniques such as “Repetitive Thought Rewire”, “Reframing Lists” and “Solution Journalling” to name but a few. My aim was to cut out all the waffle and wordy rhetoric and simply focus on how to work with your depression, how to make yourself feel better and how to take yourself out of those awful slumps and dark clouds. There is no cure for depression, there is no magic wand that will just wave the depression away, but there are many things you can do to reduce your suffering and improve the quality of your life. My reason for creating this course is to show you how to do that in a practical and realistic way, where I’ll teach you modern scientifically based cognitive techniques, as well as dynamic,  tangible solutions which you can apply to your every day life.  I really hope you get something out of this course, at the same time be patient with yourself, be compassionate with yourself and don’t get too frustrated if you don’t see the progress you want to see. For me personally, these strategies have saved my life.

What you’ll learn

  • Powerful tools and strategies to deal with depression..

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 1 lecture • 8min.
  • Repetitive Thought Rewire –> 1 lecture • 8min.
  • Meditation –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • Journalling –> 1 lecture • 3min.
  • Walking in nature –> 1 lecture • 2min.
  • Gratitude –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Deep breathing –> 1 lecture • 5min.
  • Intention Starting Point Momentum(ISM) –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Past experience Strategy(PES) –> 1 lecture • 5min.
  • Move your body! –> 1 lecture • 5min.
  • Comedy! –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • Compassion –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Reframing lists –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Choose what you focus on –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • The power of your language –> 1 lecture • 6min.
  • Lifestyle changes –> 1 lecture • 12min.
  • Acceptance –> 1 lecture • 5min.
  • Small steps –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • The final stretch! –> 1 lecture • 5min.
  • My rating system! –> 1 lecture • 4min.

Depression. A new hope.


This course aims to provide you with groundbreaking tools, strategies and ideas to combat your depression. You’ll be guided through 20 powerful, practical and life saving techniques such as “Repetitive Thought Rewire”, “Reframing Lists” and “Solution Journalling” to name but a few. My aim was to cut out all the waffle and wordy rhetoric and simply focus on how to work with your depression, how to make yourself feel better and how to take yourself out of those awful slumps and dark clouds. There is no cure for depression, there is no magic wand that will just wave the depression away, but there are many things you can do to reduce your suffering and improve the quality of your life. My reason for creating this course is to show you how to do that in a practical and realistic way, where I’ll teach you modern scientifically based cognitive techniques, as well as dynamic,  tangible solutions which you can apply to your every day life.  I really hope you get something out of this course, at the same time be patient with yourself, be compassionate with yourself and don’t get too frustrated if you don’t see the progress you want to see. For me personally, these strategies have saved my life.

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