Dining Etiquette Masterclass | SocialQ

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Master Dining Etiquette

As you might expect, there are so many dining etiquette rules to learn and it might be not easy to remember them all.

What you’ll learn

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As you might expect, there are so many dining etiquette rules to learn and it might be not easy to remember them all.

That’s why we created this course to simplify everything, so you can learn dining etiquette faster because you don’t have to figure everything out on your own.

This course teaches you not only how to be the perfect guest but also how to be an excellent host while covering all the important rules of dining etiquette from sending/accepting invitations to the appropriate sitting position, and more! By the end of the course, you should feel confident to dine with colleagues, superiors, or clients — whether you’re being the host or guest.

The way you sit, how you hold your fork and knife, and what you’re saying on the table — all this and more reveal a lot about you. And it doesn’t matter where you eat — a fancy restaurant or at your colleague’s home — you should show good table manners that will make dining a more pleasant experience for everyone.

But rest assured. You won’t be feeling overwhelmed because the course is delivered in bite-sized video lessons, and designed to be simple and easy to understand.

So why wait? Enroll in this course today, so you’ll feel more confident and ready to dine at both formal and informal table settings.