Market Research Made Simple: Study Your Target Audience

Discover What Makes Your Dream Customers Want to Buy to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy & Increase Conversions

Are you still struggling to motivate your prospects and customers to take action?

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Are you still struggling to motivate your prospects and customers to take action?


That’s an issue so many online business owners face and it’s not surprising…


Because there’s a MASSIVE AMOUNT of information and competition in the marketplace – more than ever before…


Which means consumers have the ball in their court when making purchases online. But that doesn’t mean they have ALL the power…


It just means we need to analyze the right information (or knowledge) to better understand what truly motivates our customers.


So, the real question is: do you really know what motivates your customers?

Do you understand how they make the decision to buy a product or service like yours?

Or know where they go to research those kinds of products?

Do you even know how they found your website?


These are just a few of the many questions you must ask yourself if you hope to successfully reach your target audience that come back to buy from you time and time again.


For now though, I want you to simply keep this one question in mind:


Do your marketing goals, efforts and business model match how your dream customers ACTUALLY buy products online?


If not, you’re definitely missing out on crucial information that could be helping you make better decisions inside your company, products and marketing.


Remember: A Few Minutes of Planning Can Save Hours – Or Even Days of Work Down the Road!   


That’s why it’s crucial to understand:


And how can you do that? With market research!


So what is market research?  We’ll talk more about that inside the course, but in a nutshell…


market research is gathering information on a specific group of consumers for the purpose of giving them a better buying experience.

That’s why it’s important to spend time on research – upfront before creating your site, products, or funnels.



it gives you the best insight into what your target audience is thinking during their decision-making journey, what motivates them and how to use that information to your advantage in your marketing. Which is helpful especially when you’re first getting started.


And that’s exactly what we’ll be covering together inside this course!


You’ll discover:


By the end of this course:

you’ll know what makes your dream customers want to buy so you can improve your digital marketing strategy & make more sales.


My Guarantee

If you go through this entire course and go through the steps I recommend, then I’m MORE THAN CONFIDENT you will discover a wealth of information about your audience that you never realized before.


And after watching all the lectures, if you’re not completely satisfied you can get a 30-day money-back guarantee! But I’m so sure you’ll enjoy it that I’m going to throw in a few BONUSES just to sweeten the deal! : )


Who Will Most Benefit From This Course?

Whether you own an ecommerce store, or you’re an author, blogger, digital marketer, coach, consultant, or any other type of online professional selling their products or services online, you have a target audience that you need to learn as much about as possible.


By learning how to do market research you can make the most of your findings throughout your website, content, products and marketing materials to win over more customers.


Still Need More Reasons to Take This Course?

  1. You get lifetime access to course material.
  2. You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!
  3. The techniques you will learn in this course are simple, easy and effective! The same strategies used by professional marketing agencies.


Find out what your audience wants so you can make more sales & have them happily coming back time and time again! 


“Sasha, How Do You Know So Much About Keyword & Market Research?”

I’ve been in the SEO-game for over 9 years now. For the first 7 years most of my income came from doing research both for my own company and through Freelancing. And I kind of fell in love with it.


It allowed me to get to learn about new industries and new products popping up in the marketplace.  While I’m no longer a service provider, I still love research because it equips us with the knowledge we need to make good business decisions.


See you inside!

– Sasha-The Queen of Online Research-Miller!