Analog Electronics part-2 (All About Transistors in depth)

Learn all about transistor & circuit simulation on Proteus Software recommended for Biomedical, E&E, & Robotic Engineers

Do you know that your smartphone has millions and billions of transistors but I’m damn sure you don’t what is their significance or how do they work?

What you’ll learn

Course Content


Do you know that your smartphone has millions and billions of transistors but I’m damn sure you don’t what is their significance or how do they work?

@ Roadmap:-

  1. Importance of Transistor
  2. Definition of Transistor
  3. Types of Transistors
  4. Understanding basics of BJT transistors.
  5. Types of BJT transistors
  6. Why NPN is preferred over PNP
  7. Why area of collector region is greater than emitter region.
  8. Characteristics of BJT
  9. What is biasing and the need for biasing transistors.
  10. Different biasing techniques of transistors
  11. Stability factor
  12. Numericals + Simulation of circuits on proteus software
  13. BJT as a switch
  14. BJT as an amplifier
  15. 3-Mini projects

@ Outcome:-

  1. BJT circuits
  2. 20+ Numericals
  3. Simulation of circuits on proteus software
  4. Three Mini projects simulated on proteus software
  5. Free PDFs are available after each video session for revision purposes

I hope you will surely enjoy my course.